In this episode, I’m joined by Brian Reynolds, one of the founders of The Bridge Teachers. We dive into his secret weapon for Two Truths and a Lie, the art of playing Monopoly by the rules, and the challenge of teaching Bridg...
Play Latest EpisodeIn this episode, I’m joined by Brian Reynolds, one of the founders of The Bridge Teachers. We dive into his secret weapon for Two Truths and a Lie, the art of playing Monopoly by the rules, and the challenge of teaching Bridg...
In a past episode, our guest Camilla Zamboni mentioned The Tabletop Revolution , a fascinating book by fellow professor Marco Arnaudo. In it, Prof. Arnaudo explores the dramatic evolution of board games—how mechanics have tra...
Last year at Geekway to the West, the local gaming convention here in St. Louis that you have heard me talk about a lot, fellow game designer and past guest on this show, Phill Wamser and I sat down and played this one evenin...
In this episode, I am joined by author Steve Dee. His book The Book of Carcassonne was an early bedtime read for Edward. His other books are equally as entertaining. Steve and I talk about playing at lunch and feeling that yo...
I came across an article while reading a different article that I came across while reading another article that was referenced in a book I was reading about board games. I enjoyed the story and the experience that author tal...
Another great game from designer Steve Jackson. I love this game. In zombie dice you are a zombie trying to eat brains. My family takes this game of trips to play before bed. My sister wanted to play “The brain game”, we had ...
Free Parking debuted in 1988. It was designed by Charles Phillips. It is one of the games that uses the Monopoly IP, but it is not a Monopoly game. Free Parking has a subtitle, "Parker Brothers Feed the Meter Game." And that is just what it is. It i…
When I set out to play every game on my Shelf of Shame, I did not count all the print and play games on my hard drive. I tried to stick to games that I owned a hard physical copy of. Then, as I was going through the list of games, I noticed I had a …
I received this game for Christmas. I love garden gnomes. I love games. This is an oddly specific intersection of these two loves. Game of Gnomes is a fast and hilarious matching game. To set up, hand everyone a suction grabber and spread the gnome …
Host, Editor, Producer
Adam has been playing games all his life. He started out with the classic Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley games of Clue, Monopoly, Operation, Risk, and Axis & Allies. His extended family was avid card game players. Euchre and rummy were big. Then, along came The Settlers of Catan and it all changed. Since that fateful day, Adam has consumed all this board gaming. He and his business partner started a board game publishing company. Adam started this podcast.
Edward "The Son" has literally been a gamer his whole life. He started playing King of Tokyo when he was three and hasn’t looked back. He is an avid chess player as well. He and his dad play any game that comes their way. Edward has recently shown interest in being a podcaster. So, here he is!